National campaign to promote the benefits of trade union membership

The trade union movement has come together to create a national public

relations campaign to promote the benefits of trade union membership.


The publicity campaign is aimed at raising awareness of trade unions particularly among young workers.

The campaign launched formally on Valentine’s Day with the announcement of Union Week. which will take place between 29th April and 6th May 2024.

Union Week will involve a week of activity highlighting the work and achievements of trade unions.

It will be an opportunity to showcase the positive impact that trade unions have on workers’ lives and on broader society as well as to promote our contribution to the arts and culture.

The campaign is already up and running with advertisements on TV and regional radio stations, in bus shelters and on commuter public transport as well as on social media platforms such as Instagram, X, LinkedIn and Facebook. Videos on social media will feature members of various trade unions telling the story about why unions are vital for everyone at work and encouraging people who aren’t yet in a union to join.

Four SIPTU members are featured in the initial round of advertising: Martha Buckley, a health care assistant, and Siobhán Spillane a brewery worker from Cork; Victoria Nikitina, a contract cleaner from Limerick and Suzanne Armstrong, a bus driver from Dublin. We are most appreciative for their involvement in this high-profile national campaign and the great job they have done of positively promoting their union