Tulf Pride Solidarity Greeting:

To all LGBT workers celebrating Pride, the country will sorely miss the energy and the colour of the annual celebrations this weekend. Celebrations aside, Pride is Protest, and TULF stands with the LGBT community here in Ireland and everywhere against discrimination, inequality and prejudice. We want to express our solidarity with the increasingly ostracised LGBT community in Poland.

Pride serves as a reminder to all within the trade union movement that these fights are far from won, and the hard-won gains of recent decades are under threat from far right and reactionary forces. Some of our LGBT community have rightly responding to the increased presence of companies with poor records on workers rights and human rights, and the neoliberal co-option of Pride into corporate marketing strategies; rather than an intervention against inequality and injustice. We invite all who want to fight for a more inclusive society to join and get active in a trade union

In the absence of a parade, we suggest watching Pride (2014) if you have not already seen it, for a re-telling of how in the UK, solidarity was slowly built between the miners and the LGBT community during the height of the Thatcher years. Our struggles are diverse but all too often the people blocking change are the same.

Solidarity forever🏳️‍🌈