TTIP 2015 Updated Booklet


This updated booklet from John Hillary of War on Want is an excellent analysis and exposition of TTIP and the affect it will have on jobs, workers, the environment, regulations and much more. TTIP booklet 2015 update The booklet covers topics like: transparency and lack of democracy jobs and employment deregulation privatisation investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms (ISDS) food safety environmental impact Well worth reading in advance of #GE16 so you can challenge candidates on the door and at the supermarket as they canvas you for their vote. But don’t just read it get involved: 1 – write to your Union […]

Water charges the EU and TTIP!

The origin of the planned water charges lies in the EU’s Water Framework Directive (2000), which provided for full cost recovery for water use and whose Article 9 states; ‘Member States shall take account of the principle of recovery of the costs of water services …’ It also required Member States to have in place water-pricing policies by 2010. The Directive was transposed into Irish Law in 2003. The Water Framework Directive, which seeks to commodify water provision through the establishment of the principle of recovery of the costs of water services. The EU took advantage of the ‘bailout’ to […]